Personal injury attorneys play a crucial role in ensuring that victims of accidents get the justice they deserve. They provide legal services to those who claim to have been injured, physically or psychologically, as a result of negligence by another person, company, government agency or any entity. One key aspect that personal injury attorneys often emphasize is the importance of police reports in claims.
A police report serves as an unbiased third-party account of what transpired during an accident. It contains critical details such as the date and time of the incident, identities of involved parties and witnesses, description and diagram of the accident scene, weather conditions at the time and any citations issued. This document becomes invaluable when making a personal injury claim because it provides factual evidence that can be used to establish fault.
Without this crucial piece of documentation, proving liability can become significantly more challenging for your attorney. The absence of a police report may lead to debates about what actually occurred during the incident – turning into a case of one party’s word against another’s. With no concrete evidence backing up either side’s version events could potentially weaken your claim.
Additionally, insurance companies heavily rely on these reports when determining whether to pay out claims or not. If there is no official record stating that their policyholder was at fault for causing an accident resulting in injuries then they might refuse compensation altogether – leaving you with hefty medical bills despite being innocent victim.
Moreover, police reports also contain vital information about injuries sustained during an accident which further strengthens personal injury claims. Officers are trained professionals who know how to assess situations accurately; hence their records carry weight court proceedings where severity injury plays huge role determining amount compensation awarded.
Furthermore, if criminal charges are filed due to reckless behavior like drunk driving resulting in an accident then having corresponding police report would greatly improve chances winning civil lawsuit against at-fault party – adding more credence overall claim.
In conclusion, personal injury attorneys cannot overstate significance having comprehensive accurate police report when filing claim. It provides an objective account incident, helps establish fault, offers insight into injuries sustained and can even support criminal charges if applicable. Therefore, it is always recommended to call the police immediately after an accident to ensure that all details are accurately recorded – bolstering your chances of a successful personal injury claim. Remember, in the pursuit of justice, every piece of evidence counts and a police report could be the deciding factor between winning or losing your case.
Munley Law
510 Third Ave 2nd Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15219